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What we do.


We work with you to create a tailored solution fit for purpose.

​Here is a window into products and services from our toolkit :

Embrace tools to drive and back your data, which will ultimately give your team the superpowers they need to make decisions that are both informed and purpose-led.

New Ways of Work.

Image by Sean Pollock

We're here to work with our clients to reimagine work as we know it. The goal is to undo bureaucracy and mental models that are slowing us down.


Work can be a lot more human, collaborative and agile. The majority of us spend 80% of our lives at work, let's make it a great place to be.

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We asked Angé how she would explain this to a stranger :


"The way we work is best defined as the principles, practices, mindsets, and assumptions we consciously or sub-consciously hold"

Read more about making work more human :


Design & Transformation.

Image by LYCS Architecture

Organisations are beautifully complex.


We start by embracing the complexity and designing systems and structures to support your performance goals.


Through system- and structure design we outline how to build or rebuild organisations that embrace change and accelerate into the future of work.


Using the combined approaches of Systems Thinking, Lean Methodology, Design Thinking, Complexity Science and Holacracy, we work with you to curate the model that best suits your needs and ambitions.

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We asked Angé how she would explain this to a friend :


"Organisations are being forced to reinvent themselves and transform the philosophies, processes and practices that make up their everyday.  We work with teams to make the necessary shifts in becoming purpose -led and effective through designing internal structures to support that need."

Read more about transformation as a metaphor :



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We've created a toolkit to deploy agile methodology within teams and organisations.


We are able to walk you through a step by step process to demonstrate and experience Agile within an identified team, before deploying it into your greater organisation.


The formula entails:


  • A purpose workshop

  • A Goal setting framework

  • A Rapid decision-making experiment

  • Exposure to Design Thinking principles

  • An efficient meeting framework

  • Usage of Project-Management tools

  • Experience of feedback loops

  • Retrospectives


We asked Carla how she would explain this to a new team member :


"Being Agile is a way of working. It empowers us to work where, when and how we choose – with maximum flexibility and minimum constraints – it optimises performance and allows us all to do our best work."

Chat to us to

find out more :

Communication & Tech.

Image by XPS

Embrace tools to drive and back your data, which will ultimately give your team the superpowers they need to make decisions that are both informed and purpose-led.


We love curating software tools that enable teams to deliver, collaborate and enable a new way of work. The future of work is here, the tools are available - we're here to curate, deploy and optimise what's best for your team.

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We asked Paton how he would explain this to his mum :


"The world is moving at an incredible pace when it comes to technology, companies can use powerful off-the-shelve and mostly free software to make them move swifter and faster."

work is best defined as the principles, practices, mindsets, and assumptions we consciously or sub-consciously hold"

Some of the Tech-tools

we love :

Recruitment, Training & Onboarding.

Team Meeting

We're passionate about finding the right talent both within our own organisation and for our clients' businesses. Our recruitment process is designed around asking the right questions to find talent with the required skill set, and which reflects the internal culture of your business.


With the huge global shift towards remote work, we are able to build a recruitment and onboarding experience that is operated virtually and is scalable, to suit the needs of your growing team.


We present onboarding in a way that ensures that new team members are adding value to the organisation from the onset, whilst incorporating an element of fun to their experience.


We asked Carla how she would write this as a headline :


"Our approach to both recruitment and onboarding ensures that new team members are set up to add value to the organisation from the onset, whilst incorporating an element of fun to their experience."

Read more about Remote Onboarding :

Service Design.

Image by Sigmund

We work with you to embed service design thinking into your organisation by improving your customer experience, as well as the interactions between your service providers and your customers.


We believe in focusing on the full end-to-end customer experience - which may include digital touch-points, physical infrastructure, team dynamics and processes. All leading to overall sustainable performance through design.

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We asked Paton how he would explain this to a stranger :


"We, as Service Designers create things like Service Blueprints, Process Maps, and Service Ecology Maps which help you plan and organise your business’s systems and resources in a human-centred way."

Chat to us to

find out more :

Design Thinking Principles.

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By focusing on creating human-centred solutions that drives innovation within your organisation (and in essence, better meets your customers’ needs.)


From facilitating learning with your team, solving a single pain point for your customer or building out a new product ready for market, we're here to show you the ropes.


We workshop with leaders and their teams to deepen customer empathy by :


Harnessing creative problem-solving

Encouraging cross-industry learning

Creating inexpensive, innovative solutions through testing and prototyping

Developing feedback loops

Incorporating tech tools to drive outcomes

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We asked Betty how she would explain this to her little ones :


"The Design Thinking process provides us with an active, problem-solving toolkit, which we use to find solutions to problems.”

Learn more about Design 

Thinking Workshops :



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Rapid, constant, and disruptive change is now the norm for organisations.


Through coaching we assist you in delivering organisational, professional and personal goals.


Our leadership coaching philosophy is to admit we also don’t have all the answers. However, we have enough experience in ways of work, which sits between strategy and operations, in this new norm. Through coaching we assist you in delivering organisational, professional and personal goals.

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We asked Betty how she would explain this to your team :


"Rapid, constant, and disruptive change is now the norm for organisations, and what succeeded in the past is no longer a guide to what will succeed in the future. In the twenty-first-century one person simply can’t and does not have all the right answers."

Chat to us to

find out more :

Org Deisgn
Design Thinking

How we work.


We work with you to curate the model that

best suits your needs and ambitions.

Option 3 




& Build




Redesign the way you work. In this option the aim is to disrupt business as usual and reimagine the future entirely.

Option 1 



Map &





New ways of work interventions are introduced to enable your organisation and team to deliver on the purpose and goals of the business, in a more human way.


We start with a Deep Dive diagnostic using Design Thinking methodologies & prioritise depending on emergent pain-points.

Option 2 


Maintain &






A longer term journey that speaks to a slower rate of change, incremental yet fundamental change in Ways of Work.


Organisational redesign, training and technology deployments.

Tech Tools

Tech Tools we love.


We love trying new software to bring the best solution together for our clients and projects.

Read more about tools on this blog :


Let's Collaborate.


Organisational Design

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New Ways of Work

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Design Thinking

Kaleidoscope Consulting

Transform your workplace with flexible, sustainable New Ways of Work and practices that align people, processes, and technology with your strategic goals.

©2024 by Kaleidoscope Performance Perspectives.

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